Thursday, June 25, 2009

happy daddy day....

June 21st is daddy day and is also the last day of my work.... I've been wondering how many people in the world actually realise that daddy day was celebrated on the third week of June... a lot of people know and remember mother day but tends to forget daddy day... why? hehehehe.... well for me daddy day is equally important as mommy day and sometime more important than mommy day.. why i have this type of thinking?? well the answer is very easy only.... i feel that my dad love me more... can feel his love towards me from his action even though he never say it out.... who to call when car break down...DADDY..... last minute shopping or buying important stuff....DADDY.... latest news on sports,political issues and general interest especially on the up and down on petrol price...DADDY.... and when I was small... everytime when i have nightmare, who is the one who will assured me that i am safe and later tuck me back to sleep.... Its DADDY.... the person who will bring me shop around and go out for a ride in the motor... i used to sit at the front and all this memories is things that i can cherish.... well, my daddy is the protective type and that is why i feel safe when I'm with him... eventhough my daddy was not that tall compared to other people daddy but he will always be my hero.... lastly i'm proud to say that i'm more than happy to be called daddy girl for who wont when you have such a nice dad..... hahahahaha....
well lou tau... happy father day.....


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