Thursday, October 13, 2011

Conversation Between Brain And Heart

Brain : He/She not really pretty/handsome. There are more better looking and better one outside.
Heart : I know but its the feel that u dont know. There are indeed better one outside but the feel is different.

Brain : Have you tried to make that yours?
Heart : I did wish i tried but i scared of the outcomes
Brain : Coward, if u really want, why not ask?
Heart : You say till so easy, why dont you think of ways to ask?
Brain : Hard. Many consequences. you dare to face the outcome??
Heart : Just lower to the minimum the hurt that i would receive
brain : A broken mirror, no matter how many pieces its broken, its still broken.

Brain : Since you not dare, why hope and not forget?
Heart : if forget was so much easier, do you think i will hang on for so long?
Brain : If hang on make you so much suffering, why you choose to be?
Heart : its cause you cant forget the times of being together and now you scolded me for hanging on?
Brain : come on, cant you just be a bit wild. Look around, feel around. when u found someone better eventually i wont think the great times..
Heart : come on. you keep me occupied with these thought and you still want me to have fun?

Brain : Ignore her/him and carried on in life. dont waste time and dont because of one tree you give up the whole forest.
heart : Ignore?? say is easy. i have feel you know. i worried, i cared.
Brain : worried something else, care someone else..
Heart : i wish too... But that something i cant explain with words and you cant analyze feeling which are cant describe by words.

Brain : Come on. Its useless.. no future.. you dont even know how he/she feel. you dont even know if she/he can accept you
Heart : I dont care future, what i care is the present. he/she was nice, close to me. and i feel a sense of happiness, security when with him/her
brain : Useless coward, you wanna waste your whole life for this. A present that no future
Heart : I dont know, i dont wish too.

Dear brain and heart,
if only you both can compromise, i guess i would be better by now.