Thursday, March 18, 2010


there are a few post that i write half way that i have not being able to finish it up yet.. will post it sometime soon. one thing i wish to share here is i feel i'm getting more and more hard to control myself. i dont know why but i feel very rebelious nowadays. not rebelious with family but with friends. i just feel the urge to prove my point and rebel what they say.. what happened to me... i just cant seems to control myself anymore. is it from the effect i too controling myself. i need to control it back but now i'm lost, totally lost in how i will manage to do that. i also dont know how to explain... guess there are something wrong with me somewhere out of no where.... haiz..... i also dont know how this attitude will come and hit me where by right i'm already over the rebelious period... can it be say that my development terbantut that now only i grow..... haiz.... could someone please tell me how to control back myself....
because of my rebelious attitude that hit me nowadays, i feel that i indirectly hurt some of my friend or maybe i'm too sensitive but i dont really enjoy this rebelious attitude.. haiz.... there are also something wrong with me also in my trust towards my own life principle... i dont know why but i seems to question back my own principle which i have honour for few years already.... guess the devil of me started to show it kewujudan and if the angel side of me cant win this war, everything gone.... it sound like i'm mad right... fighting with self thought, i do scared i will..... oh god.... guess i should find time to relax back my mind before i do gone mad... now i know too much question on moral values is not good for mind.. and being a psychologist student, i cant seems to help myself also.... haiz.... how to balanced the evil and the angel side of me.... i truely need help.......