Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Final Success

How long it takes to truly forget and give up on someone or something that self once thought too precious in life. For some it might take days, month or years or maybe some will say that will remember forever and ever. And how long is the forever? I once thought the feeling is so strong, nothing can substitute it for it’s my all. My hope, my dream, my wish, my future and so on that will make my life so much better. I once think that I need and would love to have it as part of my life that my life would be so much better and I would be in a very contented and satisfied if I have it in my life. Sadly, life proves another way round.
The more I want, the less I get, and when I get lesser the more I am not happy. In the struggle to get more, I hurt and open up myself to being hurt more than I have being thought of. Many times I tried to give up, persuading myself that it’s not worth the time and energy but all in all it fell on death ears. I can tell friend that I have give up, but all my action show otherwise. The more I want to get close, the more distant we are until at one point in life that I started to question myself, is this what I want? I’m not happy and most of all I’m tired. Too tired to continue on but the heart felt too heavy to let go.
Life proves itself that if that someone or something is destined to be yours, with time and effort it will come closer and closer to you but if it’s not no matter how hard you try, it will never be yours. It will just grow more and more distant. All other aspect in life would suffer just for a simple wish and need that are never yours. Is it worthwhile? Now thinking back when the things no longer that important, self would say it’s not worthwhile but at the time where the things still hold a strong position in heart, I bet many people will say I will give anything in life just to get it.
Well, now that I have finally move on in life, I feel relief and happy. I realize that forever maybe is not the forever that we always mean. Forever might just be few years and off we go towards something new. I learn that we can’t forget the things or people we like and love but they are replaceable if we let them be. When we slowly found something else, and as time move on, we develop passion towards the new things, indirectly the feeling we have towards the old one would become lesser until one day it no longer hold a important position in heart anymore. I finally learn that to forget and let go just like that is impossible but to substitute it with something else it’s by all means possible. Maybe towards the new things it’s a bit unfair but trust me in the end the feeling they have towards you is deeper. Is it worthwhile? This is a question that only heart can give. But towards those that wish to forget those that they like before, it’s impossible. Unless you found someone or something you love more than the love you have now.