Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A movie, A lesson

I very seldom go for movies in cinema and when I do go for one, usually I learned something from the movie. Recently, I go for a movie with the title "Twilight" with my cousin sister. She is the one who suggest the movie and serious speaking, the title didn't attract me to watch it. It seems to me an action movie, which is not really my type but there are always the proverb " don't judge a book by its cover", so I do watch the movie. Well, I developed a second thought after I watch the movie.
I used to have this thought that choosing a partner that love us more than we do, we will feel more 'bahagia'. Since he love us more than we do, the chances they break our heart is very low and if something do happened that make the relationship can't last long, we will not feel as much hurt as we feel when someone we love hurt us.. At least we didnt put in a total of our heart. I do discuss this topic during my form 6 with friends and they ask me " Aren't it's more bahagia, when someone we love, love us back as much as we love them. Aren't it's more perfect and bahagia". this thought do leave some impact on me but i hold on to mine...
well this movie made me realise something... Human is very selfish when it comes to love... just like belle.... when Edward leave her, she find Jacob... maybe just as friend la, but her action give Jacob a feeling like he got chance.... then till the end, no matter how much Jacob love, protect and care for her, she still choose back Edward without even think of maybe she should consider Jacob... she can protect the one she love that is Edward but no matter how much Jacob have done, when it comes to choose, Edward will be her choice.
Come to the character of Jacob.. Actually this character of Jacob really give me a good point to think of... you see, Jacob likes belle very much, eventhough she know belle already have someone she love, he never give up on her, he was there when belle was down, he was there to protect her... he was there everytime belle need someone.... but belle never once there to view things on his point... can see how he feel when the time she beg belle not to follow Alice, the saddest part of all is how belle stop the fight between him and edward... it seems that belle doesnt want them to hurt each other but indirectly, belle was just protecting edward.. the chances edward loose to Jacob was very high cause wolf kill vampire easily... see how selfish love is... eventhough Jacob didnt ask for anything when he give her love and protection towards belle but indirectly he do hope belle would realise and at least thought of him as an option and not truely on edward side.... from here, i learned that, no matter how much we sacrifice towards someone we love but that person didnt love us, it would be useless because when choices come, they would choose back the one they love.... all the sacrifice seems meaningless.... and when that days come, we bring our broken heart with us and we cant even feel sad and act like we break up from a relationship... reason why? we never start a relationship so where come the word break up... others will just say us as tepuk sebelah tangan sahaja... not love... so we dont even have the right to mourn our broken heart.... all we can do is see the one we love happy and be happy... hard.. hard...


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