Sunday, January 10, 2010


The movie “Bodyguard and assassin” is a quite boring movie that I watch. Even though it touches about history, a subject that I like, I still found the movie boring. I can for sure guarantee that if I watch the movie alone or watch it in the video; I could never last the whole session. Can’t really caught the meaning in it cause the plot is scattered all over the place. Things that are obvious are all the things that happened are about the arrival of Dr. Sun, the man who changes China. Since I can’t run out from the cinema half way, I continue watch it till it end.
From it, I manage to get enlightened on some fact of life. Revolution, the word itself mean change and change surely include sacrifice. This is true by how many people that have dead in the process of revolution that being lead by Dr. Sun, a fact that no one can denied. Hmmm… this part make me wonder, what is the difference being the leader and the people. The leader thought about the change, proposed it to the people, and people who accept it fight for the change with their valuable life. The leader faces the most risk but always safe for the people exchange it with their life. There no much difference a leader and the people, both breaths the same air, take water and food for their survival and is called human. The differences in them is just the leader was the first one who thought about the change and dare enough to proposed it to the people. So everybody have the capability to be the leader but what make us different is we always take the safe route. There are some who have thought about change and changes here can be change in many aspects such like lifestyle, work and many more but very feel dare to take action to make it come truth for it involve great risk and moving from something that are certain to uncertain scared many soul.
Another point about revolution is it involves sacrifice. Change can never happen without sacrifice. Changes in China were exchange by the life of people but what about changes in our life. Isn’t it involving sacrifice too? I once heard someone say, to get something valuable, you need to sacrifice ten things that are valuable to you now. I found it quite true for I finally experience it. To get a degree, I sacrifice time with family and come to an unknown place, knowing very well my parents have grown old as days passed by and the time they can accompany me also getting lesser and lesser. Hmmm.. now only I realize that this is the sacrifice that I have make but did I try my best for the degree.. I doubt it… I never regret the times when I actually write the answer during the exam for I have done my very best but I regret the times that I can take to study but I didn’t… hahahahaha….. Something for me to change too.. I promised myself to be positive so I will cross out negative feeling now…
I need to make my sacrifice something that are worthwhile so I will do my very best… hope my revolution will be successful.. a revolution that will change the old me to someone new, someone that have self confidence, someone who would never scared to make decision…. I have make mine, how about you?

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